3 most important things in a workplace

3 Most Important Things in a Workplace To Look Out For

There are many things employers look for in a job candidate. But there are 3 most important things in a workplace to look for when you’re applying for a job. 

Beyond writing a job application letter, you must do your research on the company whose team you want to join. From browsing their websites, reading their mission statements to preparing for an interview. That way, you increase your chance of getting the job. 

But what if you eventually get the job and realize the 3 most important things in a workplace you should have looked out for are not present? 

You don’t want to imagine that. 

That’s the reason you should look well before you leap. So thumb through this article because it provides answers to this question some employers ask their prospective applicants: 

What are the 3 qualities you look for in a company?


3 Most Important things in a Workplace


  1. The name of the company

Often, salary is the first thing 3 out of every 5 job applicants look out for when applying for a job in a firm. They want to know if the salary is robust or not. And usually, that leads them into a box they’d try to jump out of in the long run. 

Undoubtedly, getting an excellent job with a good salary is great. But there’s more– to look out for. The company’s name is a factor you can start with in your consideration. 

The company’s name here isn’t necessarily referring to big names like Amazon, Walmart, Tesla, or the like.  

Of course, working for big brands like these is great, but the name of a company is beyond the size of the business organization. Aside from that, it has to do more with the reputation and work ethic of the company.

Thus, you may want to answer some of these questions as you research the work culture and reputation of the firm:

  • Is the company doing well financially? 
  • Are they free from grave legal problems or in the middle of one? 
  • Is there consistency in the company track record concerning earnings and sales growth?
  • Is the company in an industry where a slight change in technology or shift in market trend adversely affects its bottom line? Or one in a growing industry that’s adaptable to technology? 

Those are some of what your research should entail and uncover for you. So, aside from a company’s website, reliable information from trade journals and news articles in local papers could be advantageous to you. 

2. The opportunity for Career Advancement 

After thoroughly checking out the company– its core values, mission statement, objectives, or any other thing, another thing you want to examine is the opportunity for growth. 

Do you see yourself growing career-wise with the company for 5,10 years down the line? 

As usual as it may sound, that’s the consideration employers expect their applicants to take into perspective whenever they ask this popular question during a job interview: 

Where do you see yourself in the next 5, or 10 years? 

Surprisingly, that question sweeps the feet of many job applicants off the floor, leaving them helpless. Or making them spill out ill-prepared responses that you may want to consider gibberish. That shouldn’t be you because you want to have the answer before the job interview, and not only to pass the interview. 

During the job interview, ask your employer about the opportunities they provide for the employees in the role for which you’re applying. Doing that will help you get firsthand information about one of the 3 most important things in a workplace you want to work. 

Some of these questions will help you find if a company offers you the opportunity to advance professionally: 

  • Does the company have a conducive work environment that allows the acquisition of relevant professional skills (both soft and hard skills)? 
  • How often do they organize training, workshops, or seminars that help you strengthen your skills in aspects like interpersonal relationships, communication, etc.?
  • Do employees get adequate recognition and reward for their valuable input towards attaining the company’s organizational goal? 

3. Work-life balance

Have you heard the statement: “Work to live and not to live to work“?

While that expression may not be new to you, it doesn’t deny that many work their ass around the clock. And as a result, they barely have a life outside their work. Poor relationships with family members, little or no friends, or any other thing you could do aside from one’s work-life. 

In February 2022, a global survey was carried out by the Statista Research Department. And 53% of employees admitted that the most important attribute of what they consider an ideal job should have flexible schedules or remote options. 

Isn’t that interesting?  

Flexible schedules or remote options. Not the job’s financial entitlement (good pay). But the fascinating thing is that 50 percent of these workers depicted that job flexibility should be a quality of an ideal workplace. 

Those statistics tell you that work-life balance is important for those like you who are not ready to trade their entire life for a monthly check. 

Don’t get it twisted. I’m not against earning a monthly wage from a 9-5 job. I’m sure you don’t have a problem with that either. Right? 

Around the first quarter of this year (2022), the Statista Research Department did an online survey to unveil the ideal qualities of a workplace worldwide. And out of 5,280 respondents (employees), 24.9 percent of independent workers said their main reason for engaging in the type of work they do was the autonomy and flexibility it offers.

Questions you may want to ask to help determine if an employment opportunity of work-life balance is one of 3 most important things in a workplace you should look for: 

  • Does the company encourage employees to take breaks they are entitled to without any deprivation? (Examples of such breaks off work include lunchtime, annual leave, sick leave, and maternity leave)
  • Does the company create a conducive atmosphere to help workers manage stress effectively without breaking down? 

A final thought on 3 most important things in a workplace

We’ve considered reputation, career advancement, and work-life balance as are most things in a workplace to examine to get a good job. 

But there are many other qualities to check out to qualify an organization as a great company to work for. Part of the long list includes an environment where trust and transparency thrive and effective communication between superiors and subordinates.

And summarily, a company that fosters the workers’ motivation to work is a good place you want to work and make your valuable input. 


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