8 Importance of motivation in the workplace

8 Importance of Motivation in the Workplace [Explained]

Employees with high motivation tend to be more productive in their jobs. It’s part of the importance of motivation in the workplace. In fact, we act why we do because of Motivation. But on the other hand, when the motivation of workers of an organization continues to dwindle, they may start thinking of leaving their jobs.

According to a study in six countries, the reasons people quit their jobs include: 

  • Lack of career development
  • Inadequate compensation
  • Uncaring Leadership
  • Lack of meaningful work 
  • Unsustainable work expectations
  • Unreliable colleagues
  • Lack of workplace flexibility
  • Lack of support for their wellbeing

Those are to tell you that employees’ motivation is not only determined by the salary they receive. Of course, every worker wants to advance in their career and get duly recognized for their contribution to their company’s success. But first, as a business owner or an executive manager, you must learn how to stimulate and sustain motivation in a work environment. 

With that said, below are: 

8 Importance of Motivation in the Workplace


#1. Increase Employee Engagement

Signs of demotivated workers are laziness, absenteeism, and dodging responsibilities. But when employees are motivated to work, they don’t seek out every opportunity to stay off work. And one of the strategies most staff utilize is feigning ailment or giving some excuses to get relieved of their jobs. 

In other words, when workers are highly motivated, the level of absenteeism gets reduced. 

#2. Strengthened Relationship between Employees and Managers

When workers are motivated to be part of a company, leaving becomes the last thing they want to do almost immediately. That’s because there’s a positive work environment; there’s an opportunity to learn valuable professional skills and climb the ladder in their career path. 

But beyond that, the interpersonal communication between the management team and their workers get solid. I mean, you wouldn’t expect something different since employees are enthusiastic about delivering the best input they have to give. 

#3. Enhanced teamwork

Motivated workers are positive in their thinking and reflect in how they interact with their colleagues. And in turn, this gives room for teamwork and collaboration among employees—allowing them to use their unique skill set towards achieving the company’s objectives. 

#4. Make the Efficient Utilization of Resources

Every company has various types of resources to manage to achieve its business goals and objectives. From physical assets, time, and finance, to human capital—that’s employees. 

But to manage all these resources, it takes humans like you, including both the management team and employees. And that becomes almost stress-free when everyone on a team is motivated. 

#5. Seek out more Challenge

Demotivated individuals seem to have “allergies” to challenges. On the other hand, workers that are highly motivated are always ready to take up challenges that help their organization achieve its business goals. Consequently, this makes business managers willing to delegate tasks to their subordinates. That way, they would have time to focus their energies on highly executive and strategic roles. 

#6. Help Staffs develop new Skills

The workplace environment can be dynamic, especially with the rate of technological development. As a result, how things were done in a workspace yesterday may not be the same tomorrow. 

On that ground, workers may need to be constantly curious and willing to learn and build new skills. And you’ll agree that it requires motivation to learn any new thing or skill.

#7. Lead To Topnotch Customer Service 

Have you ever been served by an angry staff member of a company? If yes, chances are that you’d rate the firm’s customers’ service on a scale of 1 to 5. This is because how the employees of any business organization feel influences how they tend to relate with their clients or customers. 

#8. Increased business profitability

Reduced absenteeism among workers, punctuality to work, and a improved customer relationship, the company’s profitability increase. That’s because customer satisfaction is a goldmine for every business. And that means more sales and, of course, more revenue. 

A Final Thought on the Importance of Motivation in a Workplace

Business managers can work on the motivation in the workplace to improve the employees’ performance. I mean, we act the reason we do because of motivation. The same applies to how people work in the workplace. There are two sources of motivation open to employees, which are internal and external.

Examples of internal motivation for workers include job satisfaction and passion for their careers. On the other hand, external motivation including salaries, bonuses, work environment, ethics, and company culture. 

With all that said, together those help employees stay motivated to work as they should, according to their job descriptions.  


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