how can you gain self-motivation

6 Types of Self-motivation You Should Know Today

Do you see yourself struggling to get things done or lacking the drive to accomplish your goals? 

You’re not alone! 

Many people struggle with motivation, but luckily different types of self-motivation can help. Whether you’re looking to improve your performance in the workplace or want to achieve personal goals, understanding the importance of self-motivation is key. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore the different types of self-motivation and discuss how cultivating self-motivation can lead to greater success and fulfillment in all areas of life.

What is Self Motivation? 

Self-motivation is the internal drive or desire that propels you or any individual towards a goal or task. While that sounds like what everyone should have, you need to know that different types of self-motivation can influence someone’s behavior. 

For instance, intrinsic motivation arises from personal enjoyment or interest in an activity. On the other hand, extrinsic motivation is driven by external factors like rewards or punishments.

To illustrate this, imagine someone who is learning to play the guitar. 

You’ll observe if this fellow is intrinsically motivated; he may practice and improve his skills simply because he enjoys playing music. On the other hand, if he is extrinsically motivated, he may practice more often. Especially if he knows he will receive praise or recognition for his progress. 

Both types of motivation can be effective in helping the person achieve their goal of becoming a better guitar player. That said, there are different types of self-motivation. 

Types of Self-motivation

Self-motivation is the internal drive or motivation that pushes you to do something on your own without someone making you do it. Of course, there are many ways to motivate yourself to get things done and reach your goals.

But below are some examples of types of self-motivation, based on their sources:

#1. Intrinsic Motivation

As its name implies, intrinsic motivation is a special kind of motivation that comes from inside you. You feel it when you enjoy doing something or are proud of yourself for accomplishing a task. 

In short, intrinsic motivation is about finding personal satisfaction and fulfillment in what you do. It’s also called internal motivation. 

#2. Extrinsic Motivation

Unlike intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation comes from outside of you. It’s when you are motivated to do something because you will get a reward or avoid a punishment. 

And that could be getting paid, receiving recognition, or being afraid of what might happen if you don’t do something.

Other Types of Self-motivation

At this point, it is essential for you to note that the two motivations explained above are the major types of motivation. However, other types can make you self-motivated. They include: 

#3. Achievement Motivation

This type of motivation hinges on a strong desire to achieve specific goals or accomplishments. For instance, individuals driven by achievement motivation tend to set high standards for themselves and are motivated by their progress toward their goals.

A real-life example of achievement motivation is evident in the story of Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX and Tesla. Musk likes to set big goals for himself and his companies, even if they (at first) seem impossible. 

For example, he wanted to make a car that could run on electricity and be just as good as a car that uses gas. It was hard to make this happen, but he kept working on it and finally made it happen with the Tesla Roadster. 

He also started a company that wants to make space travel available to everyone. Even though it’s been tough, he and his team made progress and launched a gigantic rocket called the Falcon Heavy. 

Today Musk looks like a superhero to many people. But the truth is that, just like him, you can propose (in your heart) to work hard to achieve your goals and make amazing things happen!

#4. Power Motivation

As its name implies, this type of motivation gets initiated by the desire to influence or control others. Interestingly, when you see people motivated by power, they often seek leadership roles and are driven by the desire to achieve authority or status.

A real-life example of power motivation is evident in the story of Aliko Dangote, a Nigerian businessman, and entrepreneur. Many believe a strong desire to influence and be in control are the things that led him to seek leadership roles in various industries such as cement, sugar, and oil. 

As a result, many believe that throughout Dangote’s career, desire to achieve authority and status has been a strong drive (for him). 

And as it were, Dangote’s pursuit of power and his successful leadership style have made him a prominent figure in Nigeria, with supporters and detractors arguing over the impact of his actions on society.

#5. Fear Motivation

As a type of self-motivation, fear motivation lights up the strength of the fear of negative consequences or outcomes. 

So, individuals who are motivated by fear may get pushed into avoiding failure, punishment, or negative feedback.

A practical example of fear motivation could be observed in an illustration of a student afraid of failing an exam. 

For instance, this student may dread negative consequences or outcomes, such as not getting into a desired university or disappointing his (her) family. 

And often, this fear motivates him (her) to work hard, study diligently, and seek help (when needed) to avoid failure and achieve success. 

Also, the fear of negative feedback from teachers or peers can motivate the student to improve his performance and seek validation from others. 

Based on that, it’s safe to say “fear” can be a powerful motivator for individuals seeking to avoid negative outcomes or consequences.

#6. Social Motivation

Indeed, sociologists and psychologists believe humans are social beings. And, of course, they have social needs. Basically, social motivation is a “motivation type” driven by the desire for social connection, social approval, or recognition. 

When people are motivated by social motivation, they tend to get pushed by the desire to belong, be liked, or gain social status.

A real-life scenario of social motivation comes to play in the case of a teenager who wants to fit in with a popular group at school. 

You’ll agree that such a teenager tends to be propelled by the desire for social connection, approval, or recognition. And thus, the teenager may be motivated by the desire to belong, be liked, or gain social status among his(her) peers. 

Again, this social motivation can lead this teenager (in question) to modify his (her) behavior, dress, or interests. All because he(she) thinks that’s better tactics to align with the group’s norms to gain acceptance and approval. 

In other words, social motivation is a powerful force that shapes individual behavior and significantly impacts an individual’s sense of identity and well-being.

Abrahams Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs and Self-Motivation

Taking a close study of Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs, you’ll observe that it is closely linked to Self-motivation.

Maslow, in his hierarchy, explains that humans must fulfill different levels of needs to achieve self-actualization, the highest level of personal fulfillment. 

Also, according to Maslow’s hierarchy, every man must first meet his lower needs (such as physiological needs) before higher needs. These high needs included esteem needs and social needs to up self-actualization.  

In other words, self-motivation is undoubtedly paramount in driving individuals to fulfill their needs and progress through the hierarchy. 

Thus, self-motivation and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs are related because self-motivation drives individuals to fulfill their needs and achieve their full potential, ultimately leading to self-actualization.

Importance of Self-motivation in the Workplace

While there are different types of self-motivation, it’s vital to note that motivation is essential in the workplace for several reasons. Here are some of the most important ones:

1. Increased productivity

Imagine a company that has self-motivated employees. You’ll agree that staff there will be more likely to take ownership of their work and consistently put forth their best effort. As a result, they are often more productive and efficient than those who lack motivation.

2. Improved job satisfaction

Also, when a company’s workers are self-motivated, they tend to have a sense of purpose and fulfillment in what they do. And that can lead to higher job satisfaction and lower turnover rates.

3. Adaptability

Self-motivated employees are often more adaptable to changes in the workplace. Also, they are better equipped to handle challenges and setbacks. And, of course workers like this can quickly pivot to new tasks or priorities.

4. Leadership potential

Also, self-motivated employees tend to apply initiative and strive to improve their skills and knowledge. Not only that, they can become natural leaders within the organization. 

As a result, they are often looked to for guidance and can serve as positive role models for their colleagues.

5. Career Advancement

Self-motivation is an important trait that employers look for when considering candidates for promotions or leadership positions. In other words, self-motivated employees are more likely to be considered for advancement opportunities and can achieve greater success in their careers.

All that said, it’s safe to say that self-motivation is crucial in the workplace for many reasons. And that can lead to increased productivity, job satisfaction, adaptability, leadership potential, and career advancement.

Examples of Self-motivation in the Workplace

Imagine you work for a tech company as a sales representative, and its your responsibility to meet monthly sales quotas. But you are struggling to do that and meet your targets. 

Instead of becoming discouraged, you decide to take action and motivate yourself.

So first, you set this clear goal for yourself: to exceed your monthly sales target by 10%. And you then create a plan of action, including: reaching out to new potential clients, following up with previous customers, and attending networking events.

In addition to your commitment to stay motivated, you choose to use positive self-talk and visualization techniques. So you remind yourself of the benefits of achieving your goal, such as earning a bonus and gaining recognition from your manager. 

Not only that, you also imagine yourself successfully closing deals and exceeding your sales targets. 

Eventually, through your self-motivation and hard work, you meet your monthly sales targets and even exceed them by 15%. And in the end, you are praised by your manager and feel a sense of pride and accomplishment in your work.

This scenario illustrates how self-motivation can drive an individual to set goals, create a plan of action, and use positive self-talk and visualization techniques to achieve success.

A Final Thought 

Having learned the various types of self-motivation, it’s essential for you to know that self-motivation consists of several vital elements. Some of these core elements include:

  • having clear and challenging goals
  • possessing a strong belief in oneself
  • maintaining a positive attitude
  • practicing self-discipline
  • aligning with personal values and having a reward system. 

Interestingly, when you possess these components, they all work together to create a powerful force that drives you toward your goals and success. 

In other words, when you cultivate self-motivation, you can achieve great things by focusing on your objectives, believing in your capabilities, being optimistic, staying focused, and rewarding yourself for your accomplishments.



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