employee development plan examples pdf

5 Tips for Amazing Employee Development Plan Examples in Minutes

Hard. Struggle. These words describe the heart-aching experience of many business managers before stumbling on what you’re about to discover. Easy-to-understand employee development plan examples guide— and how you can create your own.

You probably know from your experience that personal development goals are so cool. Yet you may still be trying to figure out why your business is not operating at its peak. Well, in this article, we’ll look at:

  • What is an employee development plan?
  • Why is employee development important?
  • How to create  employee development plan examples| Applying 5 sure tips]
  • Employee development plan Examples


What is an Employee development plan?

An employee development plan is a tool that helps your business organization get the best out of your human assets. Talking about your employees or staff.

Yes, an employee development plan is more or less like a guide that enables an entity (like yours) to keep its employees relevant and productive in and out of time. By helping them develop their skills and broaden their horizon in the workplace.

That said, the goal of an employee development plan is to make your employees efficient as you arm them with practical and relevant skills that will allow them to take up future roles without fear of pain or loss to your company.

In other words, an effective employee development plan will ensure that employees maximize their potential and skills. By working smart under a conducive working environment.

Thus, your business can achieve this by organizing training and creating courses intended to stretch them to become their best.


Why is an employee development plan important?

The benefits of creating an employee development plan are far-reaching. Both for business organizations and their employees. However, some of them include:

1.     Enhanced adaptability in your workplace

Beyond browsing through employee development plan examples, every business manager should strive to prepare workers for change i.e. adaptive. And that becomes achievable when you prepare them for future work situations and roles through training and orientation programs. Therefore, making an employee development plan so handy.

2.     Increase employees retention

You can’t make people feel valued and not make them want some more— by clinging to you. In other words, by helping your staff acquire more skills and knowledge through training programs, you impress a profound message on their subconsciousness that you value and appreciate them. Because they believe that only a management that desires to see them grow and advance in career take up initiatives and programs designed for that purpose.

And to be frank, no employee would want to leave a job or work team where they’re valued and appreciated. Thus, you can say employee retention is one of the benefits you get as a business manager from creating and seeing to the execution of an employee development plan.

3.     Boost performance and efficiency

What do you think would happen to workers performance who are adequately armed with relevant skills and knowledge to carry out their job roles and responsibilities? Of course, without a second thought, you’d say, “increased performance of workers and efficiency in entire operations of the company. That’s because all hands will be on deck as employees work collectively with their gained valuable competencies in attaining the objectives of your organization.


How to Create an Employee development plan examples| Applying 5 Sure Tips

You’ve come to the crux of your search for employee development plan examples. So are you ready for what you’ve been looking for?

Well, you probably couldn’t be more ready than you’re right now. Below are the 5 sure tips for amazing employee development plan examples with ease:

(Please read carefully)

1. Identify and assess your employees and their goals.

In exploring employee development plan examples, assessing your workers, their goals, and career aspirations is the first step to creating one. And that may mean talking to them individually (through your HR team) and asking salient questions. Also, it could mean being super observant of their abilities, weaknesses, strengths, and other important things you should look out for.

So you or your human resource team can dig down and gather information to know what areas to work on and how you can help your employees. As a result, some of these questions below may help crack things up:

  • Why is an employee this way? Is it because he’s new to a job?
  • Is an employee going through hell get by on his job description? What can you do to remedy the situation?
  • What employee(s) wants a swap to a new role or desires a promotion?

Nevertheless, as a note by the side, you may decide to assess your staff through interviews or an online survey, or as the case may be. In any case, the goal is to do it.

2. Create a SMART plan

After assessing your employees through suitable ways to get the best information you need, the next step is to start.

Yes, start creating the employee development plan from scratch. Of course, you can follow employee development examples or templates. But in doing this, you must take into cognizance the following intriguing points:

  • Write out the needs of your workers (in terms of the skills and knowledge they need to acquire). That’s the reason you should apply the first tip with utmost diligence.
  • Let there be alignment between the identified needs of your employees with the goals and objectives of your organization.
  • Just like any plan, goal, or objective, your employee development plan should be SMART—specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound.

3. Implementing the plan

Gone past looking at employee development plan examples and creating the actual plan, the next tip or step to follow is to implement the plan.

True, while assessing your employees, you must have noted some possible actions that can and should be taken by your employees together with the management team of your organization.

That’s to say, you may have listed exercises you can take to remedy the weaknesses and challenges in your workers. And also, these exercises should include how you can optimize the observed strengths of your employees.

Thus, in your implementation strategy, you may have exercises like this:

  • Give the challenging assignments or projects
  • Mentor another employee (for those with excellent leadership skills and an invaluable world of experience)
  • Receive coaching from an expert (those who need mentoring, on the other hand)
  • Attend seminars, webinars, conferences, or take a class
  • Research a topic or read a material
  • Setting deadlines or timelines for each action plan or exercise to be executed.

4. Track and measure progress

Remember, the first step stated that your employee development plan should be time-bound (according to the SMART principle). And also, in the fourth step, you’re advised that each exercise should have deadlines assigned to them. With these, what comes to your mind?

Your answer should be “the significance of time“. Indeed, time is money. And, of course, it often serves as a standard against which the attainment of a goal gets measured.

That said, at this step, you need to track the progress of how the employee development plan is well followed.

5. Make the best out of change (Review and plan)

The business world is dynamic. Things keep changing, and what was super effective last year or quarter may not be relevant today. Because there’s a change in demand, customers’ needs, and industry standards and policies.

On this ground, you may want to review the employee development plan examples you’ve worked on into a new and more suitable one that takes note of these changes that your business cannot be overlooked. The essence is to serve your company better and your employees.


Employee Development plan examples

You can peruse the Employee development examples prepared for you to have a practical clue as to how yours can be when you eventually start creating one.

Individual development plan examples
This is one out of many employee development plan examples for a social media officer.


FAQ—Employee development plan examples

1. Do I need an employee development plan?

You may want to think that you can do it yourself. Thus, there’s a need for business managers to be interested in their staff development because the results can be overwhelmingly positive.

However, while employers should recognize that they need others (their employees) to get results, employees should also acknowledge that they need their employer to experience growth and success in their career journey. It is a two-way process.

2. How do I develop my employees?

Most business managers find it out to determine which areas their employees need to develop. But the way to break this ice is for them to thoroughly discuss with their employees to know specific areas that they can come in to help them develop professionally. Once that is settled, the step would be creating employee development plan examples for your employees.

3. How do you make Employee development plan examples for lazy workers?

To a large extent, the development of employees lies with their organizations. That may sound controversial, but the fact remains that the management team has a large role to play in ensuring their workers develop. By creating an enabling environment—and educating them to see the need why they should develop personally and in the job.  

But you may ask, how do they make those workers develop who don’t want development– so to say? What a question! If that’s the case, mapping plans on how to get rid of lazy employees is the best bet.


While creating powered-up employee development plans, you know that their results will depend on the commitment of both supervisors and your employees to the goal of employee development. Hence, it doesn’t matter if this is your first time trying to develop an employee development plan, following the example or guide in this article will lift a lot of burdens off your chest. What you need to do is to apply the following high-powered tips you’ve learned today.


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